1-Hour to Cybersecurity:
10 Threats Every Person and Business Faces- and How to Fight Them Now, 2021


August 26, 2021

Today we face a cybersecurity knowledge gap.  Most people don’t realize how vulnerable they are or what they can do to maximize their security. We are exposed to new threats every day, even as you read this, a vast array of cyber attacks are pounding at the walls of security networks built to protect you and your digital persona on the internet.

A world of dark forces and criminal networks conspire day and night to steal your username and password, obtain your Social Security number, open credit cards in your name, drain your bank accounts, and seize your computer to hold it for ransom.

Join us for this webinar and learn how you can protect yourself, your family, and your business.

After completing this workshop, you will know:


The top 10 ten identify theft threats you face and the actions you must take to stay safe.


Three mindsets that will boost your cybersecurity.


How an email address can protect your financial accounts.


The four ways to protect your wireless network from hackers.


One action that will help keep hackers out of your finances and your life.

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About Your Host

Randy Luebke

President, Lifetime Paradigm, Inc.

Financial Consultant, Fiduciary Advisor, Coach
Investment Advisor Representative RFC, RMA, CWPP, CMP
Award-Winning Author of The Business Owner’s Guide to Financial Freedom

“I have been doing this for over 30 years, and what I’ve found is that my best clients have one thing in common.  That is, every single day they struggle because they want more.  Not because they are greedy.  They just want more time and more money, to do more of the things they really enjoy.  They want to spend more time with the people they love and give more money to the causes they care about most.  They struggle because they want less stress and more fulfillment in their busy lives and, frankly, who doesn’t?

Essentially, I’m no different.  I’ve been an independent entrepreneur for most of my adult life and, over the years, I’ve been fortunate to have learned a lot through both my personal experiences and my training.  So now, I teach my clients how to do the things that have helped me to improve my life, so I can help them to improve theirs.”

 – Randy Luebke President, Lifetime Paradigm, Inc.