Did You Overfund a Section 529 Plan? Consider a Roth IRA Rollover

Did You Overfund a Section 529 Plan? Consider a Roth IRA Rollover

Tax Planning  Did You Overfund a Section 529 Plan? Consider a Roth IRA Rollover Bradford Tax Institute  Have you established, or are you considering, a Section 529 savings plan for a child, grandchild, or other family member? Such plans are a great way to help pay for...
Did You Overfund a Section 529 Plan? Consider a Roth IRA Rollover

Consider a Roth IRA Rollover for an Overfunded Section 529 Plan

Tax Planning  Consider a Roth IRA Rollover for an Overfunded Section 529 Plan Bradford Tax Institute  Section 529 college savings plans are a great way to help pay for a child’s or other family member’s college education.  Contributions are not federally...